Bunda perlu waspada jika tanda lahir membesar sehingga
mengganggu fungsi tubuh, seperti menutupi mata. Atau jika tanda lahir tersebut
membuat bayi merasa gatal atau nyeri. Atau jika ternyata tanda yang sudah
hilang meninggalkan luka jaringan.
Bunda, tanda lahir sendiri ada bermacam-macam jenisnya,
yaitu tanda lahir Hemangioma yaitu tanda yang berbentuk parutan kemerahan. Tahi
Lalat (Nevus) seperti yang sudah Bunda ketahui tanda kecil berwarna hitam. Lalu
ada Mongolian Spot yaitu bercak berwarna biru, biru lebam atau abu-abu. Dan
juga ada tanda lahir bernama bercak café-au-lait, dinamakan seperti ini karena
tanda lahir ini berwarna coklat muda seperti layaknya kopi susu.
Is that a birthmark on the baby dangerous?
Bunda, do not have to worry about this problem. Indeed, some
babies are born with a birthmark. A sign of patches appeared as traumatized by
birth, usually a dilation of blood vessels, and blood are not mature and
separate from the circulatory system. Usually in line with the growth of the
child, birth marks will gradually disappear.
Bunda needs to be wary if enlarged birthmarks that disrupts
the function of the body, such as eyes. Or if the birthmark make baby feel
itchy or painful. Or if it turns out that sign is gone leaving the wound
Bunda, birthmark itself there are various kinds, namely the
hemangioma birthmark shaped sign grated redness. Dung flies (nevus) as Mother
had known little black marks. Then there are patches of Mongolian Spot blue,
black and blue or gray. And there are also patches of birthmark called café-au-lait,
named like this because of the birthmark brown like coffee milk.
Image by GeoWombats
Image by GeoWombats
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